USA Bocce is the welcoming home to the 25,000,000 active bocce players and thousands of bocce clubs and leagues at country clubs, parks, hotels, business parks, bars & restaurants, bocce venues and homes — all across the country.
Bocce is on fire in America.
250+ of America’s most exclusive country clubs have very active bocce leagues. Gen X, Gen Y and Millennials play on thousands of league teams weekly at bars, restaurants and hotels in cities all across America. Park bocce clubs and leagues are exploding everywhere, attracting every age imaginable — from 20-somethings to senior citizens.
There is significant revenue for country clubs, restaurants/bars, hotels, parks to be generated from bocce clubs and leagues. A prominent beach club in Pacific Palisades, California generates $375,000 yearly from food/beverage sales at bocce leagues and events. A coveted country club in Danville, CA generates $475,000 yearly from a cocktail/sandwich shack next to their 4 bocce courts. Neither of these figures includes meaningful ancillary financial and experiential benefits to a club.
Here’s the big hole in the boat.
None of the 250+ clubs talk to each other.
Until now, there hasn’t been a governing body with an interest in, or on-going relationship with any of these clubs or organizations.
An unmet demand exists for the following fee-generating services:
- Aggregating and connecting all bocce clubs and organizations using contemporary tools.
- Providing all clubs with best-practices from leading clubs of how to run bocce leagues and create successful events.
- Providing best-practice documents, ads, etc. to save hundreds of hours for clubs every year.
- Declaring standarized rules for ‘open bocce’ (played by 99% of all American bocce players).
- Offering regional and national tournaments with significant prize money.
- Selling leading bocce merchandise and equipment.
- Creating a bocce ‘handicap system’ for players everywhere.
- Ranking and celebrating leading bocce clubs.
- Creating certifications of courts, clubs and bocce professionals.
- Providing professional court construction services and counsel.
That’s USA Bocce.
USA Bocce’s customers/clients are the bocce clubs at country clubs, park programs, hotels, restaurants/bars that are at the center of the accelerating growth and popularity of the game of bocce. Clubs are the engine that create experiential value for their club members.
A strong bocce club program at a country club, bar, hotel or park:
- Generates meaningful bar/restaurant/event revenue.
- Creates a sense of ‘belonging’; the heart of the club experience.
- Has so much ‘gravity’ that it draws members/guests to the club on a reoccurring, predictable basis.
- Fortifies and defines the culture of a club.
- Creates a differential advantage, and strengthens the cost of memberships.
- Strengthens membership retention, and minimizing attrition.
- Crosses and mixes generational boundaries of a club.
USA Bocce. Accelerating this extraordinary sport into the future.