USA Bocce recommends that all clubs also have ‘Local Rules of Play’ — that may, in some instances, override USA Bocce ‘Rules of Play.’
We strongly recommend that a club adheres to the recommended USA Bocce ‘Rules of Play’; ‘Local Rules of Play’ are meant to address particular choices regarding length of games and particular league procedures. They also establish guidelines such as dress codes and other club particulars.
Below is only an example of a bocce club’s ‘Local Rules of Play’ — that your club may consider as a starting point to creating your own ‘Local Rules of Play.’ (In this case study, these are the ‘Local Rules of Play’ for Bel-Air Bay Club in Pacific Palisades, California.)
Mission of Bel-Air Bay Club Bocce
“Bel-Air Bay Club is its members’ ‘Country Place by the Sea.’ Easy, casual and comfortable enjoyment for members and their guests, as well as respect for other members and their guests, are the hallmarks of the club. We promote the tradition of a friendly, social, and recreational environment for our members in a safe, attractive, and well-maintained facility, assisted by a caring staff.”
With that in mind, we take great pride in our sports reflecting our culture and brand. While we enjoy the competition of sports, we always give reverence to making decisions befitting of ladies and gentlemen.
Rules of Bocce
Bel-Air Bay Club plays to USA Bocce’s “Open” Official Rules of Bocce (
- Bel-Air Bay Club is the proud home of the finest court surface in the world.
- Courts are on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis. When players are waiting to play, please relinquish the court after you have played for 45 minutes.
- Courts are for bocce play only.
- High-heeled shoes are not permitted.
- Please keep food/refreshments away from the surface of the courts.
- There may be specific times reserved for the bocce leagues, club tournaments, or private events.
- You can play with the BABC bocce balls — or your own balls. For league and tournament play, the proper size and weight for balls is 107 mm in size and 920 grams in weight.
- Keep measuring to a minimum, and keep play moving along. Be nice.
- If you throw a bad shot, look up in the sky, take a deep breath of the ocean air, and think about how lucky we are.
League Play Structures
- Weekday leagues play on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, (and the Sunday League is on Sunday afternoons).
- Leagues will include regular season matches, playoff rounds, and the League Championships.
- The top four teams in each Division make the playoffs. The Sunday League may differ depending on the number of teams.
- League standings are determined by won/loss matches. In the event of a tie in the standings, head-to-head matches are the determinant. If it still doesn’t declare rankings, standings will be determined by the total number of points (a team receives 2 points for a win, 1 point for a three-game loss, 0 points for a two-game loss). If none of these measures provides a winner, there will be a one-game playoff to 6 points. If three teams happen to be involved, teams will play the other two teams in games to 5. If it is still a tie, the winner is determined in a one-shot roll-off with a player from each team.
- Each team has a Captain. The Captain is the primary contact with Jordan King (the Director of Athletics).
- A Captain’s responsibility is to share all league information with their players.
- Each week, the Captain is responsible for making sure that their team has at least 4 players that will be playing. If the Captain’s team doesn’t have enough players for a pending match, he/she must contact Jordan King as early as possible – to mitigate the possibility of a forfeit.
Games and Matches
- In league play, a match is ‘best-of-three’ games. A game is the first team to 6 points. The third game, if necessary, is to 5 points.
- Each team must have at least 7 players on their roster (the more, the merrier; and strongly recommended)
- Team members must be members of our club. A member is defined as a regular member, junior member, or family junior member (28 years and under). If a family junior has an application in the process of becoming a junior member or he/she is on the waiting list, they qualify. A ‘member’ exception is ‘significant others’ of members. (This is subject to the approval of the Athletic Director.)
- A team can add new players to its roster during the season.
- Each team should have a snappy name that sums up how fabulous and talented they are.
- In a match, playing 6 or more players is the recommended number of players.
- A team must field a minimum of 4 players for a match. Yet, a team can play as many as 8 in a given game — and any number in a match.
- If a team has only 4 players for a match, two team members play on each end of the court (playing every other frame).
- If a team has 6 players (as an example), 3 can play on each side (with one player on each side in a given frame rolling two balls). Or, if a team prefers, 4 players can play on one side with 2 players on the other side.
- Regardless of the number of players on a side, no player may roll more than two balls in a single frame.
- For the Sunday League, in a given match, no team may play more than two Bay Cup players (within the last 3 years) or Club Champions (any year), though more than two above the above can be on their roster.
- The Athletic Director, or any other Referees designated by the Athletic Director, officiate over matches. Any decisions they make are in the best interest of Bel-Air Bay Club, and are intended to adhere to the rules of USA Bocce’s Official Rules and, if relative, Bel-Air Bay Club’s Local Rules. It is imperative that members, at all times, respect that they are doing the best jobs they can, and are always respectful to them and their position of authority.
- When a Referee either makes a final decision about balls by site or by measurement, the decision stands – and cannot be re-measured again (unless the balls are moved).
- If a Referee determines that it is not necessary to measure balls, players or Captains are not allowed to demand that balls be measured.
- If a Referee sees an infraction, the Referee’s opinion regarding the placement of balls (or any other matters) trumps all other player’s opinions.
Substitute Players and Guests
- A team can use substitute players for a match, but substitute players can’t already be on another team’s roster. Substitute players can be members or guests — of any age.
(Note: The Athletic Director will maintain a list of available substitutes to aid in securing a substitute if needed.) - During a game, a team can add an additional player/or players — but cannot replace an existing player. At the start of a new game, players can switch sides, and players can replace/substitute in for existing players.
- You are permitted to change the rolling order during a game.
Timing of Games
- League games start promptly at scheduled game times. Exceptions occur if the Athletic Director or Referee allows a later start time due to particular circumstances.
- Regarding Overtime. After 50 minutes after the start of a match, the match begins ‘Overtime.’ The teams then play two more frames after the existing frame. The team with the highest score wins the game (if it’s a tie, one additional frame decides the game winner).
+ If this ties the match at one game each, the 3rd game is decided via one frame.
+ If a team is in its second game in Overtime – and requires a third game, the third game is decided in one frame.
+ In Overtime, teams cannot change sides, and no personnel changes are allowed.
- If the start time of a match is late for some unusual reason, the 10-minute clock starts once a new ‘start time’ is declared by the Referee.
- If a team doesn’t have at least 4 players 10 minutes after the start time, they forfeit Game 1. A team forfeits Game 2 (and the match) at the 20-minute mark.
Measuring the Speed of Play
- In the interest of continual play and consideration of others, measurements should take place only if absolutely necessary.
- Please keep ‘team meetings’ to discuss strategy on a given shot to a minimum.
- Once the Referee measures, if the Referee declares a decision about two balls, or if both teams agree on a measurement between two balls – it can never be measured again unless the balls have been moved.
- If using a laser measurer, balls within 0.003 or less are considered a tie.
The same team rolls again until they ‘establish point.’ If it is the last ball of a frame, no points are awarded to either side – and the team that rolled the pallino in the previous frame rolls the pallino in the next frame.
If using any other form of measurement, if it is determined that it isn’t possible to clearly determine which ball is closer, the balls are considered a ‘tie.’
- In league play, 10 minutes is allowed for a team to practice before a match.
- In league or tournament matches, no players are allowed to ‘practice’ on empty courts other than before matches begin. No players are allowed to ‘practice’ rolls on either court between frames.
- In Playoff rounds, there is no “Overtime.” All matches are played out.
- Teams must field 6 ‘rostered’ players in all playoff matches.
In the event of special circumstances, non-league players can be added to the roster during the playoffs at the Athletic Director’s discretion.
“Rolling the Bay”
- Bel-Air Bay Club not only incorporates “Rolling the Bay” into play, but originated this new element of bocce – which is spreading across the country. (Specifics of “Rolling the Bay” are defined in the USA Bocce Official Rules.)
Specifics to Club Championships
- Club Championships are yearly one-day tournaments for Men’s and Women’s Singles, Men’s and Women’s Doubles, and Mixed Doubles.
- For Club Championship matches (singles, doubles, mixed doubles), there will be a cut-off time announced for sign-ups; seedings and draws will then be created at this time. There will be no exceptions to signing up after the cut-off time.
- Club Championships are only for current club members.
- Matches are usually 1 game to 10 points — and are single elimination.
- In tournaments, practicing is for all players before the start of the tournament. 10 minutes is allowed before the start of all matches.
- BABC’s Bocce Ambassadors are a committee of passionate bocce players selflessly driven to continue to evolve the culture, brand and activities of bocce at Bel-Air Bay Club.
- BABC’s Local Rules are the collective voice of the Bocce Ambassadors under the leadership of the Athletic Chairperson.
- Any changes made to BABC’s Local Rules are to be made by and approved by the Bocce Ambassadors.
For any questions or suggestions, please contact the Athletic Director Jordan King or Athletic Chairman Brian Wood.
“The most prestigious and coolest committee in the club”